I am here... safe and sound.  We arrived yesterday from Dubai to Johannesburg at around 7pm.  We were greeted by South Africans who belong to the District 9400.  I am thankful for this wonderful experience. We participated at a Braii (barbecue) and made new friends.  The second day, I woke up early to have breakfast, go to a Game Drive and then go to the Sun City. I know not to descriptive... it is all because more is to come.  Thank you all.
Sue Wheeler
4/14/2010 08:31:55 pm

Hey Mr. Frank! The girls are doing all the reporting!! Do you have a different job on the team? Or are you just the resident stud? Be careful - if you smile too much your face will crack!!
We are getting ready for your counterparts' arrival on Sunday. Did you get to meet the team from SA? You will at the grand farewell in May.....
Be safe and have fun. Art For Life was a blast!

Jodie Craig
4/19/2010 01:33:39 am

Hi Frank, I am so glad that you are having an amazing time. AFL is not the same without you. Please be safe and keep smiling as you travel on this incredible journey. I can't wait to meet the people that are coming here from SA. You are in my prayers as you meet all of these wonderful people. Smile with your heart!!



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    Meet Frank

    Hola! My name is Frank and I welcome you to this weebly journal.  Come and join me as I follow my purpose and arrive to my destination to South Africa.


    April 2010
    March 2010



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